EGF AGM - Held 1st August at Leksand 2008 EGC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) Opening ~~~~~~~~~~ Tony Atkins opened the meeting at 7:30 pm 2) Present ~~~~~~~~~~ Executive: Tony Atkins, John Gibson, Hans Kostka, Martin Stiassny, Oleg Gavrilov, Matti Siivola, Ales Cieply; Auditors: Peter Zandveld, Arnaud Knippel; Representatives from 23 countries were accorded voting rights (Belgium had not paid) 3) Agenda ~~~~~~~~~ The agenda was accepted 4) International Matters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a IGF Directors: Martin Stiassny reported about the change to the IGF constitution, that China may host the 2010 WAGC, that co-operation with all Go bodies was important and that Saijo had been sponsored to attend the EGC. Erik Puyt had submitted a written report in IMSA b Mrs Taki from the World Pair Go Association talked about membership and that 2009 was the 20th IAPGC (the 19th would be at the WMSG) c KABA: The KPMC was happening again (7-12 November) and all were welcome at a new Korean Businessman's event 22-27 September d WMSG: Martin Stiassny briefed the meeting on the arrangements for the forthcoming World Mind Sports Games, including free air tickets and id cards 5) Minutes ~~~~~~~~~~ The minutes of the previous year were accepted 6) New Members ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No new members 7) Reports ~~~~~~~~~~ a The President's Report: Tony Atkins mentioned it had been a year of stability but there had been communication problems, and looked forward to WMSG and possible online events (e.g. Masters) b The Secretary had a few things to report c The Treasurer reported that in 2009 it would possible to pay IGF fees via EGF. He commented sponsor income was lower as payment is in dollars 8) Auditors' Report ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Auditors reported that all payments in the accounts were checked, but they Had not received accounts early enough to study thoroughly. Both reported they would be stepping down in a year or two. They stressed the importance of looking after sponsors 9) Commission Reports ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a Rules Commission: will complete their report next year b Youth Commission: reported on the chance to send children to Kings Baduk in Korea c Strong Players: Catalin Taranu was concerned this commission did not represent the top players. It was stressed other interests should not be ignored, e.g. sponsors and Asian players d Ratings Commission: Some programming was to take place but Ales Cieply would step down after one more year. There was some concerns about internal events not being rated and non-members getting ratings 10) Elections ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All the existing executive and Auditors were re-elected. Potential Auditors and Ratings Officers should be sought 11) Budget ~~~~~~~~~~ The budgets were presented for 2008/9 and 2000/10. Due to cuts in Ing income the Ing Grants item was cut and others would be trimmed if possible. 12) Commissions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Catalin Taranu was appointed to lead Strong Players' Commission to investigate the European championship system 13) EGCs ~~~~~~~~ a 2008 Sweden: no complaints b 2009 Netherlands: Details of the hotel and venue of Groningen were given. The proposal to hold the championship as a knockout was discussed. It was rejected c 2010 Finland: This Will be in Tampere d 2011 France: Still trying to find exact venue in Cote D'Azure e 2012 Germany: It was agreed it would be in Cologne (Koeln) f 2013: Romania, Czechia and Poland still interested 2014: Russia still investigating Sochi 14) European Tournament Calendar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a EYGC 2010: Romania, if possible, else Czechia b Student 2010: Germany, Darmstadt in September (Netherlands possible 2011) c Pairs 2010: Cyprus or Portugal might be interested d Ing 2010: France e Women 2010: France Aix-les-Bans November f Teams 2010: Sweden, Leksan possible, else Poland 15) Rules Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a Definition of European player: to be formalised next year (use 5 year rule) b Formalise and record the rules of the championships: this should be done c New EGC Rules (Finland): This was rejected for consideration of the commission 16) AOB ~~~~~~~ a WMSG rules are acceptable for EGF events b Czechia proposed that documentation be circulated earlier c France asked about the children’s tour to Japan: UK, NL an CZ went in 2007 The meeting closed at 12:04 am John Gibson Honorary Secretary