On February 24, 2022, war came to Ukraine. Civilians have been bombed, our homes and infrastructure destroyed, urban and farm land mined. Hospitals, schools, kindergartens, bomb shelters - nowhere has been untouched. The direct result of this war has caused a long terl humanitarian catastrophe, the migration of several millions of people, and severe ecological damage. Further escalation of military actions in Ukraine can only lead to even more disasters, ruination, sorrow and horror.
The Ukrainian Go Federation, under these conditions of war and destruction, can obviously no longer carry out training programs, nor organize tournaments. Therefore, all our efforts today are directed at saving go players, helping them survive in this new reality, supporting them during our time of crisis and maintaining their go skills.

We ask everyone not to rest indifferent to our plight, we ask you to help us!
Please help us to survive!
The Ukrainian Go Federation is the only legitimate organization within the territory of Ukraine which represents the interests of Ukrainian go players. We concentrate resources and information, keeping in mind the best interests of Ukrainian go players. Decisions over the distribution of funds are made by the UFGO Board. A European Supervisory Board, consisting of Jean-Yves Papazoglou, Tony Claasen and Jana Hricova, controls the targeted use of funds.
EUR Euro
Account holder: Ukrainian Go FederationSWIFT/BIC: TRWIBEB1XXX
IBAN: BE16 9672 7962 3074
Purpose of payment: Donation
GBP British pounds
Account holder: Ukrainian Go FederationSWIFT/BIC: TRWIGB2L
IBAN: GB32 TRWI 2314 7059 7272 78
Sort code: 23-14-70
Account number: 59727278
Purpose of payment: Donation
USD US Dollars
Account holder: Ukrainian Go Federation
Routing number: 084009519
Account number: 9600003333664160
Account type: Checking
Purpose of payment: Donation
Bitcoin wallet: bc1qtxkfdunjas2pr0j4jxf4alx27xqqz60mtaly54
The UFGO is also grateful to all those who already launched fundraising campaigns on different platforms. This indeed is extremely important. To efficiently manage funds we ask you to please transfer the funds collected to one of the bank accounts specified above and to indicate these accounts as target accounts in all the campaigns in the future.
The UFGO is not responsible for any other organizations and donations! Please exercise caution!
Together we will win!
With much gratitude,
Dmytro Yatsenko, 5 dan
UFGO President