Results Mausefalle
During this weekend the DDGM 2023 (German Women's Championship) was also played.
The DDGM 2023 was postponed after it could not be held in December 2023.

Results DDGM
On the 18th of March a series of seminars started with Youngsun Yoon, Andrii Kravets and Lukas Podpera.
30 players gathered for 3 days of training, we even had locals visit just to learn about go.

On Wednesday the big party started with most of the participants arriving, creating lots of noise and making me smile when seeing the joy in their faces when meeting friends.
Not speaking the same language seems to be no challenge for them when they communicate and start to play go.

We were happy, that the Consul General of Japan in Hamburg Shinsuke Toda, was able to speak a few words of welcome to the youth players at the opening ceremony.

This year the modus-operandi and the groups were suddenly changed and instead of the 3 groups in the previous year, now only 2 were left, the U12 group and the U18 group.
After hearing some kids that suddenly were left out of this Tournament I created a third group for U21 that played an unofficial tournament, and with the help of Martin Stiassny, the president of the EGF, I was able to give the winner of this group a wildcard for the European Championship 2024 in Toulouse.

In the U12 group Bartik Dach 2d from Czechia won the tournament winning all 6 games and so crowned himself the European Champion 2024 in this category.
Second place was taken by Bende Barcza 2d from Hungary, followed by Ryan Zhang 3d in third place.

Results of the U12 group
The U18 group was won by Yuze Xing 5d From Germany winning all 6 games made him the European Champion 2024 in the catagory U18.
Second place was taken by Stjepan Medak 3d from Croatia followed by Jan Komin 2d from Czechia in third place.

Results of the U18 group
The U21 group was not an official European Championship, it was created by me as a side event to make sure also the senior youth players could have a tournament. And with the President, Martin Stiassny, of the EGF I agreed that for this group the winner would get a wildcard for the European Championship 2024 in Toulouse.
In this group the fighting was the hardest and the the top three was created by Benoit Robichon, Arved Pittner and Denis Dobranis who beat each other and so the decision was as narrow as it could possibly be.

Benoit Robichon 3d from France was the lucky one to win this group and the wildcard for the European Championship 2024 in Toulouse. Second place went to Arved Pittner 5d from Germany followed by Denis Dobranis 5d from Romania in third place.

Results of the U21 group
Impressions of the tournament

This Tournament was sponsored by:

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