By Viktor Lin | Reviews | 15.11.2016 23:08| Views: 7955
On 2 November 2016, Artem Kachanovskyi 1p defeated Sonoda Yuichi 9p in the final round of the Sankei Cup pro division preliminaries. A commentary of this game was provided by Ge Yuhong Go Academy, the biggest Go school in China.
Ge Yuhong Go Academy was founded by Mr. Ge Yuhong who is a close partner of CEGO. Perhaps some of the readers had the opportunity to meet them at a European Go Congress. Both Mr. Ge Yuhong and the sponsors behind CEGO are avid supporters of the European Go scene. Without them, projects such as the EGF pro qualification, the Grand Slam, the CEGO Academic Programme in Beijing, and the EGF Academy would not exist.
When Artem Kachanovskyi 1p and Mateusz Surma 1p achieved brilliant results in the 13th Sankei Cup, not only the Europeans Go fans, but also the sponsors from China are happy that their support manifests in such outstanding results. This is why Mr. Ge Yuhong decided to provide a commentary of one of the games, namely Artem's final half-point game against Sonoda Yuichi 9p that allowed Artem to advance to the main tournament of the 13th Sankei Cup. You can replay the game in the previous article. The commentary was published on Ge Academy's WeChat portal and translated below: Black's opening shows Sonoda 9p's strong personality and his unique Go.Up to 21, White (Artem 1p) is satisfied with his ponnuki.Var. 1: This diagramme shows a simpler sequence for Black.Var. 2: After the hane 11 in the game, it is also possible for Black to block.After White 24, Black's shows kiai with the nobi 25. It's a huge move.Var. 3: It seems slightly better for Black to retreat instead of 31.White 44 is careless. He should have connected at A.During the ko, the threat of Black 61 is too damaging. Its loss probably outweighs the gain in the ko.Var. 4: The ko is not that heavy for Black. Black should calm down and play step-by-step.White immediately punishes Black's threat 61 by taking with 64. After the exchange up to 71, White is clearly favourable.White's exchanges from 96 to 106 are not profitable.Var. 5: Instead of the geta 90, White should consider a more active play.Var. 6: Instead of 110, White should take this urgent point.Var. 7: Likewise, instead of pushing 111, Black should try to exchange 1 in sente and go for the big move 3. It would still be a long game.White's counter-attack with 112 and 114 is very sharp!Var. 8: Normally Black would block with 1. But Black's whole group is thin, so White's counter-attack is successful.In the game Black 117 is a serious misread. Black hallucinated White's status in upper left.White makes life with the smart move 126. Now White has a won game.White 144 is too solid. White should connect instead which would be better for endgame.Up to 183, Black gained in endgame, but could not change the result of the game. Conclusion: In the beginning, Black 13 and 15 were too rigid. The result was inferior to the josekis shown in the variations. Black's ko threat 61 and the exchange up to 71 are the main reasons for Black's loss. In the middlegame White played too leisurely, so Black had a chance to be back in the game. But Black played the fatal losing move 119 and endured a big loss in this fight. Although later Black gained in endgame, White was too far ahead before and held on to the lead until the end, winning by the smallest margin of 0,5.
This article was written by Viktor Lin
Profession: Student, manager of EGF Academy Born: Vienna, 1992 Country: Austria EGF rank: 6d Started playing go: 2004