TOYOTA - IGS-PandaNet European Go Tour

Prizes and Points 2000-2006

A new prizes and points scheme was introduced from Spring 2006 for the new rotation system. The old point and prize system is described below. The new system is described here.

Distribution of prizes and total budget

More than 65% of the tour budget was distributed to the players. 13450 Euro as prizes at tournaments and 7000 Euro for the top twelve in the overall ranking.

Ten percent was allocated to realise the organisers support and the uniform promotion material. An extra budget was used to support broadcasting games on IGS-PandaNet.

Distribution of prizes (all amounts in Euro)
PlaceMajor FourParis Final *Super 7, cat. BSuper 7, cat. COverall Ranking
 1st place5005004003001500
 2nd place4004003002001200
 3rd place3003002001001000
 4th place200200100 50 800
 5th place100100   600
 6th place     500
 7th place     400
 8th place     300
 9th place     250
10th place     200
 11th place     150
12th place     100
(*) An extra budget of 1000 Euro for expenses was available to stimulate top
ranked eastern European players and youth players to come to the Paris Finals.

Points for the Toyota - IGS-PandaNet Tour Overall Ranking

The TOYOTA - IGS-PandaNet Tour tournaments were divided into two sets: the final and the other tournaments, which are treated differently when counting points.

TOYOTA - IGS-PandaNet Tour points are given to top twelve places in the final and top eight places in the other tournaments. Players with the same MacMahon score will divide the total points of their places. Their score will be rounded up to two digits behind the comma (0,333 will be 0,34 and 0,666 is 0,67). Only players who compete in every round of a tournament will be eligible for points for that tournament.

PlaceParis FinalMajor and Top tournaments

If TOYOTA - IGS-PandaNet Tour points of two players were the same in the overall ranking then the player with the most first places in the Tour got the higher place, if the number of first places are equal than the number of second places was compared, etc.

Before the start of the final a player could count points up to a maximum of 100 from the first eleven tournaments.
A player got places 1,1,2,2,2 in others and 2 in the final.
The points were 24+24+20+20+20=108 > 100 and 32 points in the final =132.

Page last updated: 2006-04-21.